Saturday, April 14, 2007

Getting out and about

We are enjoying an unusually warm April, which is whetting my appetite for getting out and about during the summer. Some ideas I have so far ...
  • Have Star do a local history project with lots of field trips (more on that later)
  • Start homeschool gym classes on Friday mornings - you are right, that is an indoor activity, but it means reorganising our week so that we have the car on Fridays, then we can stop off on the way home for a picnic lunch and some nature study, or take a trip somewhere else on Friday afternoons.
  • Take Little Cherub to the park.
  • Take Star to Legoland (a long promised treat)
  • A family trip to Chessington World of Adventures - Tevye used to go on annual trips there as a child but has never been back since, so he is coming along with us.
  • Visit Cadbury World - no, not outdoors either, but it will be a fun trip. And they give away free chocolate!
I am taking advantage of supermarket loyalty card deals for the last three - I can cash in vouchers for four times their value if I use them for day trips. For some reason Tesco seems to be particularly generous with bonus points on nappies and baby clothes, so I may as well make the most of them!


  1. These sound like delightful outings -- isn't it fun planning field trips? How I miss being able to "pop" over to England ... enjoy the great weather for me; we're having a LONNNNNNNNG winter!

  2. Have fun with those! I love to dot our home-ed with days out! I bet little cherub will enjoy legoland too!

    Oh and Corfu! Trying not to feel envious...
