Monday, April 23, 2007

For St. George's Day ...

Prayer to St. George, patron of England

St. George, special patron of England and great defender of the faith, we invoke your intercession for our country in these times. St. George, defend our people from the error of trying to live without God. St. George, defend our people from the wiles of Satan. St. George, protect our families from sin and division. St. George, protect our young from all who would corrupt them. St. George, protect the unborn from the evil of abortion. St. George, protect the old and vulnerable from the threat of euthanasia. St. George, defend the Church from all spiritual, moral and physical danger. St. George, intercede for faith to return to the heart of our land, family life and government.

St. George we pray to you, our beloved patron and implore your powerful intercession for the conversion of England, once Mary’s dowry and land of so many Saints. Amen.

[from Walsingham Prayer Book]

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