Monday, March 19, 2007

Big sister, little sister

I just watched Angel bouncing and twirling with a giggling, squealing Little Cherub. Then I turned on the computer and read these musings by Alice at Cottage Blessings, inspired by the sight of her eleven year old dancing with her nine month old sister. Since Little Cherub joined us the joy her big sisters find in her has been a constant source of delight, and I am so thankful that they have this experience of a small sibling at an age when very few of their peers know the pleasure of a baby in the family.

Alice goes on to talk about the worth of a mother's vocation, so often decried these days by those who see the choice of motherhood over career as a "waste". Speaking as someone with a dusty, unused doctorate on the shelf, I'm with Alice. No regrets!


  1. I was here admiring your two gorgeous young ladies when I found the kind words beneath! Many thanks!

  2. Anonymous9:41 am

    What lovely girls!

  3. With those beautiful girls, who COULD have regrets?! They're precious!

  4. What a gorgeous picture! And, I know exactly what you mean. Such gifts!
