Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We also have colds

Star has been complaining of sore throat and sniffles for a couple of days, today I hit the thoroughly miserable sneezing, coughing, croaking stage of a cold, and Angel thinks she may be going down with one. Ugh!

Tomorrow we are booked for a homeschool group trip to the Roald Dahl Museum. A local friend is very kindly going to take Angel and Star with her, colds permitting (her daughter also has a sniffle), so I can stay at home with Little Cherub and rest up in an attempt to shift the worst of mine.

I really, really need the cold to go, and fast, as Mum will be moving on either February 23rd or March 2nd and I HAVE AN ENTIRE HOUSE TO PACK between now and then. At least it is mostly decluttered - except for the garage, the utility area and the loft, which is rumoured to be full of junk. Currently our solicitor (lawyer) and another are facing each other down over the final choice of date. We are trying to get that extra week, which would make the difference between panic and ... um ... near panic?


  1. Anonymous3:00 pm

    Oh dear, colds are no fun. Rest up!

  2. Praying for your health!

