Monday, February 19, 2007

Plans for Lent

With all the craziness going on here - splitting my time between two houses, frantically packing and no routine - I haven't had time to plan for Lent. I also need to keep it simple. A few ideas have jumped out at me - mainly from other peoples' blogs - and suddenly with minimal effort and thought on my part I have a plan.
  • Turn my face to my children (HT: Karen for this link) - toughest and most important, particularly for Star who desperately needs more positive attention than she has been getting.
  • Make a salt dough crown of thorns (HT: Karen again)
  • Collect money saved by giving things up for Aid to the Church in Need (inspired by Operation Rice Bowl - yes, that would be Karen too)
  • Fast from the internet on Fridays (HT: Faith)
  • I like the idea of this star chart, but I'm afraid I am good at starting this sort of thing but poor on follow through. I may give it a try, though.
  • Lent reading:
  • Lenten sacrifices:
    • Myself - chocolate in all shapes and forms
    • Angel - biscuits and crisps (cookies and chips to those of you over the pond!)
    • Star - all drinks other than water and milk, and bubblegum!
  • Prayer - I will add something into our daily prayers, but I'm not yet sure what.


  1. Oh, Kathryn, I'm so glad some of the ideas were useful! My ideas all come from other people, too, you know ....
    :-) I'm with you on the chocolate, too, my dear .... We'll pray for one another.

  2. Sounds like a perfect plan, Kathryn!
