Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Plan for Tomorrow

I'm taking a leaf out of Dawn's book (or should that be blog?) at By Sun and Candlelight and posting a list of what I hope to achieve tomorrow. Today, for various reasons, was one of those just-about-holding-it-together days, and I'm feeling the need for a checklist and some accountability.

  • Both
    • Religion - read Saints for Young Readers for Every Day
    • Geography - read one chapter of 52 Days by Camel
    • History - read two chapters of Number the Stars; watch second half of 1940s House video
  • Star
    • Geography - notebook page about Morocco
    • Maths - do next exercise in My Pals Are Here 3A Practice Book
    • Latin - copy out 2nd declension noun and begin to learn. Revise cases.
    • Narration - section on young King Alfred in The Nursery History of England
  • Be up, showered and dressed by 8.00am
  • Do ironing
  • Update accounts on MS Money
  • Play a game with Star
  • Take Star to opticians for eye test
  • (If time) Go to Hobbycraft to buy scrapbooking supplies with Christmas gift money

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