Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions (this year)

For 2007 I am keeping it simple ... though I can never restrict myself to just one. The scattergun approach gives me a better chance of something hitting the mark.

Three resolutions this year:

1. Say the Rosary daily. I've made this resolution before and failed. Can I succeed this time?

2. Speak pleasantly at all times - no yelling, no sharp tones, no grumbling, no criticising. I'll fall down on this one daily, but I'm going aim for a real, noticeable improvement. (Hopefully success with resolution number one will help.)

3. Lose weight. Time to get rid of the remaining baby fat, plus the pre-baby fat that had crept on over the previous couple of years. I'm aiming for 20 lbs, though 25-30 lbs would be ideal.

I'll post updates so you can all cheer me on. Trust me, I'll need it!


  1. These are great resolutions, dear Kathryn, and, having had a baby the same week as you, I think I'll need to join you in number 3! : ) : ) : )

  2. Spooky. Mine are almost exactly the same as yours! As 3rd 'baby' is now nearly 3 I really can't pretend my tummy is anything to do with anybody but me...
