Friday, January 05, 2007

Living the Liturgical Year: January (Part 2)

January 6th - Epiphany (falls on January 7th this year)

My plans for Epiphany ...
We have these books for Epiphany on our shelves. I'm not sure we will get round to reading any this year, but if we do it will be The Greatest Gift.

The Legend of Old Befana by Tomie de Paola
The Last Straw by Frederic Thury
The Greatest Gift: the Story of the Other Wise Man by Susan Summers
The Stone by Dianne Hofmeyr

January 8th - The Baptism of the Lord
Ideas on my list ...
  • Use this renewal of Baptismal promises
  • Read and narrate the story of Jesus' Baptism
  • Say the First Mystery of Light (Rosary)
  • Catechism - focus on the sacrament of Baptism
  • Copywork - Baptismal promises from the Easter Vigil
  • Do a notebook page on Baptism - include pictures of items used in Baptism (candle, white garment, oil, water) and the words of Baptism
  • Look at Baptisteries (Florence and Pisa, for example) and fonts - add pictures to liturgical year notebook.
  • Display children's baptismal candles next to our liturgical candle. Other things to add to display ... holy water, baptismal certificates, picture of Baptism of the Lord, photos from children's baptisms.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 pm

    Hey, Kathryn! Happy New Year! Can I steal some of your ideas. Especially the T.S.Elliot poem. I had forgotten all about it. Thanks for reminding me of this lovely poem.
