Sunday, January 07, 2007

The best laid plans

... so often don't get implemented in this house. Our three kings have only just made it to the Nativity set (at 5.45pm), our special Epiphany prayers are unsaid, no king cake got made, no poem got read, I forgot to bring Holy Water home after Mass, and I have lost the chalk for the Epiphany blessing. We did sing We Three Kings at Mass this morning.

At least I have everything printed out and on file for next year. And I don't suppose it will matter if we do the house blessing a little late. I hope.


  1. Anonymous2:03 am

    You and your family have been dealing with major events. I'm sure God is listening and I will keep praying for you all.

  2. Anonymous11:03 am

    We had unexpected company and by the time they left and we recovered, I found myself the last one awake. Too late for all I had planned!
