Sunday, December 17, 2006

Prayer Requests

Tevye drove my Mum to hospital today ready for her hip replacement surgery tomorrow. She is 79 and had heart surgery a few years ago, so I am worried about her. I would really appreciate your prayers that all will go well and that she will have a smooth recovery.

The other request is for little Jonathan. I knew he had two small holes in his heart, which it was initially hoped would close on their own. I spoke to his mother today and it is now apparent that the larger one will need surgery, but they need to get Jonathan's weight up first. He had to spend a night in hospital because fluid round his heart was causing breathing difficulties. He is now on medication to prevent this, but as you can imagine it is worrying and stressful, and they very much want to get the hurdle of surgery over with as soon as possible. Please pray he will gain weight and that the operation can be done soon and successfully.

Thank you!


  1. Praying for these intentions, Kathryn.

  2. Yes, Kathryn,
    Am offering prayers for your mum and Jonathan right now. God bless, Becky

  3. Praying, Kathryn.


  4. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Praying here,too!!!

