Sunday, December 03, 2006

More on Makeshift Advent

I should have pointed out when writing my rushed post this morning that the Advent activities and reading and Christmas preparation are intended to replace our other schoolwork and reading, apart from the basics of maths, English and Latin or French (and finishing off the last bit of The Impossible Journey). And the activities are all going to be kept simple. And I am also not going to stress over anything that does not get done!

I am glad to report that all the tools have reappeared on my blogger posting form. Faced with no means of adding links, pictures or anything other than plain text I felt bereft. No idea why the tools disappeared ... just grateful that they saw fit to come back! My Advent post is now much tidier :)


  1. Kathryn,

    Glad you are planning to NOT get stressed! {g}

    God bless your Advent!


  2. I decided to do the same thing! I'm doing nothing but the Tomie de Paola unit and the elementary and upper elementary cycle December books for my 4th and 8th graders.

    The girls feel like it's a vacation, and I don't feel guilty for rushing through Advent after schooling.Last night, we did a St. Nicholas craft from the St. Nicholas center linked to my blog, and today we're making the Donna Chiara's Stelline D'Oro.
    My other blog, Cause of Our Joy is on the Real Learning Webring.

  3. "And I am also not going to stress over anything that does not get done!"

    Yes, yes, yes!
