Thursday, December 28, 2006

Last Term

Hits ...

Maths 2XL (also known as Conquer Maths) - apart from one brief hiccup a few weeks in, maths with Angel has been painless. What can I say? Patrick Murray, the Australian tutor who wrote and presents these maths lessons, is my hero. Maths is no longer a trauma. Long may it last!

Saint Patrick's Summer by Marigold Hunt - catechism the easy way for Star.

Latin Prep 1 from Galore Park - just the right choice for Star, who is sailing through the basics of Latin. Challenging, but she is responding to the challenge.

Gloria Whelan - three great read alouds in one term (Homeless Bird, The Angel in the Square and The Impossible Journey).

And misses ...

Story of the World vol.2 by Susan Wise Bauer - we tried, but Star grumbled and we just didn't get into it.

Hands-on science - great in theory, and I'm sure the girls would have enjoyed themselves, but with a young baby (what was I thinking?) and afternoons out decluttering Mum's house it just didn't happen.

Adventure of the Amethyst by Cecily Hallack - I love it, but Angel didn't.


  1. I've been hearing lots of good things about that maths programme.

    I can't get into SOTW either!


  2. Dorothy, I had a flyer the other day about Maths2XL - they are selling off the last few CD-Roms cheap to home educators (£55 for one level - KS3 or KS4). As they are switching to the online version (Conquer Maths), once the CDs are gone, that's it. The online version is much more expensive. I'm seriously considering buying the Key Stage 4 / GCSE level, even though the current plan is that R she will go to school for GCSEs, and who knows yet what will happen with the other two. It has been one of my best homeschooling buys in a long time. I don't know if you are interested in it for J at all, but if you are I have a promotional code for the discounted price.
