Sunday, November 05, 2006

We want to know ...

... why all baby sleepsuits in the UK have poppers (left), while in America you can get them with zippers (right)? We used the popper version in blissful ignorance until Star's American god-grandmother sent a couple of sleepsuits over for Little Cherub. So much quicker and easier! When will British babywear manufacturers catch on?


  1. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Poppers or zippers, my little one will be sitting in her crib stark naked when I go into her room this morning. It must take her some time to wrestle out of the zippered suit and then take off her diaper!

  2. I am laughing because this post looks as if it could be a peek into Eileen's entire wardrobe!

  3. Ooh, no, give me good old British poppers any day. Zips just get frustratingly stuck -- on my babies' legs, anyway!
