Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Peter Pan in Scarlet

Another book for our future reading list ... the official sequel to Peter Pan, commissioned by the trustees of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children to which the copyright of the original was gifted by J.M.Barrie.Peter Pan in Scarlet has been written by Geraldine McCaughrean, an author who specialises in retellings of classic stories but is also a fiction writer in her own right. I enjoy her retellings, but haven't read any of her original fiction. We definitely have to test this one out.

Profits from the book go to Great Ormond Street Hospital - a cause dear to us as the cardiac surgeons there saved the lives of both J-next-door and her brother D, who were both born with massive heart defects.


  1. My daughters just finished this book (borrowed from the library) and loved it! They are big fans of Peter Pan and enjoyed having another book to read. I always like Geraldine McCaughrean.

  2. Thank you Alice ... now I know we will enjoy it :)
