Thursday, November 09, 2006

Latin Prep

Love it! This is one of the books from Galore Park we are using this year, and so far I am thoroughly impressed. I am also delighted with the way Star is taking to Latin. Will it last, I wonder?

Why do I like Latin Prep?
  • Clear, lively explanations
  • Solid grammar
  • Gives a sense of achievement by including "real" Latin translations from the beginning.
  • Short exercises
  • Includes English to Latin translation as well as Latin to English
This is only our sixth week using the book, and Star is already able to translate simple paragraphs. She was also able to grasp the concept of subject and object very quickly thanks to the explanation in Latin Prep.

It is a secular book, but my own experience is that it is easy to follow Church Latin if you have a classical Latin background. As someone who does know a reasonable amount of Latin it is hard to say for sure how easy it would be for someone with no Latin to teach from, but I think it would be do-able, particularly as there is an answer key available.

The biggest downside I have found so far is that the book is not very robust and is already falling apart under the strain of Star's carelessness (Oops! Dropped the book ... Oops! Crumpled pages while flicking back to look at vocabulary ... Oops! A page fell out ...) My fault for failing to train my daughter in the art of caring for books, I'm afraid - but nothing I can't fix with book tape.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    A very BRILLIANT book.I must say.It is very enjoying.Bravo,Bravo.

    Well Done

