Monday, November 27, 2006

Are you ready for Advent?

I'm not. I'm afraid I have hardly thought about it yet - surprising, given my usual planning mania, but life is just so busy at the moment. Fortunately I know other people have been thinking about it for me. Over the next couple of days I am going to be savouring the creative ideas at Mary Ellen's Advent blog, O Night Divine, and at Jenn's Loveliness of Advent fair. I already have some good ideas from Katherine at A Living Education and Ruth at Just Another Day in Paradise.

With all this help I'm sure I will have a plan by next Sunday. When the plan materialises, I'll post it.


  1. Anonymous3:51 am

    You know, Kathryn, I have not had any of your posts show up on bloglines for quite some time. I know there has been trouble with it. I now see that I have a whole lot of catching up to do! I will enjoy reading your posts, even if I am a few days late!

  2. Anonymous12:31 pm

    Bloglines, bleh! is right - LOL! Nothing for days and this morning you showed up with 25 posts. You were busy last night!!! ;)

    I'm in the midst of planning Advent studies too, I've been pulling up interesting pages and having Marianna vote on them. It is nearly like an eye test for contacts. "Which is better A, or B? A, or C?" LOL! It's going to be a great Advent!
