Sunday, October 01, 2006


I loved the idea of the fridgeschooling that has been taken up by various homeschoolers whose blogs I frequent, but our English-style fridge just isn't big enough - particularly given that it already displays our calendar, menu plan for the week, shopping list and assorted photos - and isn't located conveniently for family viewing. Never one to be daunted by practicalities in the face of a great plan (how I love plans!) I made a noticeboard instead. I used thick artist's mounting board in a dark blue, and added card "frames" in lighter colours. Each week I am changing the contents of the frames by sticking new printouts on with bluetack. I am using the board to display:
  • the main feast days for the week
  • a quotation
  • a Bible verse
  • catechism questions and answers or other items for our Fruits of the Spirit study (often but not always the Bible verse and quotation will tie in with this.)
  • a work of art
  • a multiplication table
  • a prayer
  • two British Sign Language signs
  • anything else that takes my fancy
This is how our noticeboard looked last week.

Next week it will be displaying:
  • Feast Days - Guardian Angels, St.Francis, Our Lady of the Rosary
  • A quote by St Josemaria Escriva on guardian angels
  • Matthew 18 v.10 ("See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my father in heaven.")
  • The Ten Commandments (we are focusing on love for God, so will use the first four commandments for copywork)
  • List of the nine choirs of angels
  • Guardian Angel prayer
  • Five times table
  • St.Francis and the Birds by Sir Stanley Spencer (painting)
  • Signs for "bath" and "sleep"
I haven't yet found a permanent home for the noticeboard. So far it is being propped up against a table or the sofa and put away under a shelf in the evening. Not ideal ... and not practical once Little Cherub gets mobile!


  1. Kathryn,

    I love this idea -- mind if I "borrow" the idea. A twist could be to use liturgical colors to help the kids remember....

    hmmmm, off to buy some boardfor this one!


  2. Anonymous2:08 pm

    This is lovely! Thanks for sharing. I've been using my fridge for a couple of "fridge school" things but they have been totally lost in the clutter. This is a wonderful idea.


  3. Anonymous3:54 pm

    Our 'fridge'schooling is actually on the door to Dd's room. No room on our tiny boater's fridge. I do like Mary G's idea of liturgical colors for background borders, maybe I'll see if I can get organized enough for that...

  4. What a great idea. Our fridge is in the wrong place too, but a noticeboard would work well here, I'm sure. One friend has wipe-clean boards on the kitchen door, one for Bible verse, one for French word of the week, etc
