Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Much better day

Phew! We had a much better day today. To start with I managed to get a load of washing done and hung up to dry by 9.30, which made me feel ahead of the game and more positive. (Sometimes it only takes small things!) Star was under par and spent the morning in her pyjamas, Angel was tired and slept in until 9.30, so I kept things light. During the morning I read to Star from A Life of Our Lord for Children and The Wizard of Oz, and to Angel from Mother Teresa and World War I. Angel and Star then both did maths, with Angel sailing through the exercise that was our downfall yesterday. This afternoon we all played musical instruments while Little Cherub batted at her toys, and then read quietly for a while. One of those days when I went with the flow and everything was nice and relaxed. I like those. We all like those :)


  1. Kathryn,

    We call days like this "pajama days" -- usually a rainy, ucky day and we just sit on the couch and cuddle and read ... and repeat the mantra "isn't homeschooling great, isn't homeschooling great"

  2. Now this sounds just perfect! I always love when things get back to normal after a rough patch, especially if "normal" happens to be a light and relaxing day. We all need a few of those.
