Friday, October 13, 2006

Geography books from Frances Lincoln

I have a favourite picture book publisher: Frances Lincoln. Over years of borrowing from the library I noticed that when I found a new book I particularly liked it often came from this publisher. The three non-fiction books on India I read with Star all come from separate "world cultures" series published by Frances Lincoln. Searching through their website I have come up with what I think is a full list of the books published to date:

Alphabet Books
A is for Africa by Ifeoma Onyefula
B is for Brazil by Maria de Fatima Campos
C is for China by Sungwan So
I is for India by Prodeepta Das
J is for Jamaica by Benjamin Zephaniah
W is for World: a Round-the-World ABC by Kathryn Cave

Child's Day Books
Bongani's Day by Gisele Wolfsohn (South Africa)
Boushra's Day by Khaled El Dash (Egypt)
Cassio's Day by Maria de Fatima Campos (Brazil)
Enrique's Day by Sara Andrea Fajardo (Peru)
Geeta's Day by Prodeepta Das (India)
Huy and Vinh's Day by Jim Holmes (Vietnam)
Iina Marja's Day by Jaako Alatalo (Lapland)
Nii Kwei's Day by Catherine McNamara (Ghana)
Polina's Day by Andrey Ilyin (Russia)
Yikang's Day by Sungwan So (China)

Child's Visit Books
Prita Goes to India by Prodeepta Das
Shan-Yi Goes to China by Sungwan So

I may not make it through all these with Star, who is at the upper end of the age range for them, but in a few years I can work my way through the list with Little Cherub.

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