Sunday, October 29, 2006

A free day: retrospective

Here is what I actually did on Friday ...
  • Baked two cakes (Star baked one and I baked the other, which wasn't finished until 10pm)
  • Did half the pile of ironing
  • Looked at washing symbols on clothes with Star, who is working on her Home Skills Brownie badge
  • Cleared one clutter hotspot
  • Sorted out a bag of "stuff" that I liberated from my mother's house yesterday
  • Read lots of blogs
  • Finished off some almost done scrapbook pages
  • Snuggled Little Cherub (including an extra long bedtime cuddle with a cross baby who had napped too long and too late)
Star and Angel ...
  • Made a sweet gummy worm with the "Doctor Dreadful Food Lab". It took three attempts, a lot of stickiness, somewhat impatient help from me (I was trying to iron, and clean washing doesn't go well with sticky glop), and was more of a sticky mush than a worm once we got it out of the mould. However, we think we know where we went wrong, and have high hopes for the next revolting concoction.
  • Made Christmas cards
  • Played around with the Sibelius demo software on the computer - Angel helped Star to compose some music (interesting!)
  • Snuggled Little Cherub

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