Monday, October 16, 2006

Chilling out

Our school routine is beginning to shake down and is getting more chilled out. Every year I start with a magnificent schedule from which I then proceed to deviate. This year I am both simplifying and allowing more scope for flexibility. The revised plan (I have to have a plan!) is to spend the mornings reading aloud, doing maths, English, French or Latin, and working on notebooks. After lunch we will do some quiet reading, then have the rest of the afternoon free to do hands on stuff - science experiments, art, crafts, games, cookery, gardening, or whatever takes our fancy. We won't get through everything listed on my plans, but we should still manage a fair chunk of it. And, I hope, enjoy more relaxed days.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:50 pm

    Your girls are absolutely beautiful!
