Sunday, October 15, 2006

Blog of the Week

It has taken me well over a week to get round to posting this, but better late than never!

I am not a crafty homeschooler. We rarely get around to the making, baking, painting and growing activities that I'm sure would enhance our studies if only I were better at making time for them and more organised at getting materials together. I love the idea of using crafts to celebrate the liturgical year, but I need inspiration - a lot of inspiration - to make it happen ... and I know just the place to find it.

Alice at Cottage Blessings has a talent for coming up with wonderful Catholic crafts that work for a range of ages. Take a look at some of these. Only Alice could turn wooden ice cream spoons into a cavalcade of saints. And she does all this while homeschooling and mothering seven children.


Note to self: add ice cream spoons to shopping list. I think we could manage this one!


  1. This is so very, very kind of you, and I cannot thank you enough.

    {{{Hugs}}} going across the Atlantic!

  2. Anonymous11:18 pm

    I very much feel the same way. I am not the least bit crafty. We did go right out and buy the spoons and loved it doing this.
