Saturday, October 07, 2006

Beta Blogger

I switched! I am now using Beta Blogger, which lets me play with templates, add links and lists more easily, and categorise posts with labels. I know there are still a few bugs, but hopefully none of them will affect me as I have no intention of trying to do anything complicated.

As I was bored with the old template, I have changed to a new one. I wanted nice autumnal colours, played with various templates, decided nothing worked and ended up with this one on the grounds that it was less bad than the last few tries.


  1. OK, Kathryn,

    This is probably a "duh" question, but how did you switch to beta blogger from blogger? I use blogger but didn't know they had a different, easier to do lists, program....

  2. I love this new look. It's fun to have a change once in a while.
