Sunday, September 24, 2006

Blog of the Week

After holidaying in Weymouth, which will be hosting the sailing events for the 2012 Olympics, my blog of the week just has to be the S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen. Visit this family who have followed the Siren's call to live and homeschool on a boat, and vicariously enjoy life with a nautical flavour. I confess I have never, ever been on a sailing boat - rowing boats, canoes, punts, narrow boats, ferries, assorted motor boats and cruisers yes, but sails no - and I'm fascinated by this glimpse into a whole new world.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Thanks for linking up! I loved the photo of the sailing vessel leaving Weymouth Harbor, 2 weeks of pure joy, I imagine...
