Friday, August 04, 2006

Moan, moan! Whinge, whinge!

Today is one of those days. I have mastitis. Again. I do not like mastitis. Not one bit. And to add insult to injury, a speeding ticket arrived in the post. In the last few years British roads have been taken over by nasty yellow boxes on poles with cameras to catch unwary motorists who break the speed limit. Yes, I admit it. I was going too fast. And yes, I know I shouldn't. But I was late ... and stressed ... and it was only a little bit (35mph in a 30mph zone). And I have already suffered the misery of seeing the camera flash and knowing it had got me. But why did they wait just long enough for me to wonder if maybe ... just maybe ... there was truth in the theory that the cameras don't always have film in? And why did the ticket arrive on a day when I have mastitis?


  1. Ooh, that's awful -- mastitis and a speeding ticket at the same time?! Prayers for a speedy recovery (oops -- no pun intended ....) :-)

  2. Anonymous6:14 pm

    I am so sorry to hear you have mastitis. I nursed three babies and never got it. Since the birth of my fourth, I have had it twice! Once, last week in fact...
    Big hug to you!
