Monday, August 28, 2006

I finished it!

I started knitting this shawl when I was expecting Angel. I nearly finished it. I love knitting, but I don't love sewing things together. I ran out of steam part way through sewing the lacy edging onto the main part of the shawl. Angel was born and somehow I never got back to it. For eleven years it has sat in a cupboard unfinished. Before Little Cherub was born I found it, inspected it, decided there was very little left to do and I really ought to finish it ... and put it back in the cupboard. Last week I remembered it again and decided to see if I could finish it in time to use for her baptism. Do you know how long it took? A little over an hour. Eleven years in a cupboard for the sake of an hour's sewing!

For those of you interested in the details, it is knitted in two-ply yarn, very fine and soft. The main part of the shawl was simple enough. The tricky bit was the lace edging. This was knitted separately and then itself edged. Until it was stitched to the main part of the shawl and ironed it looked a holey mess, but once finished it turned out there was a pattern after all. Here is a close up:


  1. That is really pretty!!!!!

  2. So beautiful! Nice work! I can't imagine being able to create something so lovely!

  3. Anonymous5:54 pm

    I am SO impressed.
    That is beautiful!!!

  4. Where did you find the pattern for the Slipper boots for Star? I love them .
