Sunday, August 27, 2006

Guess what Little Cherub did today

She received the sacrament of baptism. Like her sisters she was baptised at home so that Tevye could be there. As always this was a bitter-sweet occasion for him - I talked about this a while ago when Star made her First Communion - but it was also a very enjoyable one, celebrating our precious little one's new life as a Christian with our closest friends and my mother. Amazingly she didn't yell during the service (Little Cherub is not a baby who takes anything even remotely objectionable quietly!). She started to grumble just before the actual baptism so I expected shrieks, but when Father started tipping water over her head she clearly decided it was an unexpected but welcome hairwash and produced a series of beaming smiles.

Welcome to the Body of Christ, Little Cherub!


  1. She is BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations on her baptism.

  2. She's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

  3. She is beautiful! Welcome, sweet child of God!

  4. Anonymous5:56 pm

    What a joyful occasion and she's BEAUTIFUL!!!
