Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Book shopping

I have been book shopping. I had some vouchers that have been sitting around unspent for a while and decided to take Little Cherub on a shopping expedition. I had forgotten just how much longer shopping takes with a baby in tow! Decision making was therefore rather rushed, but I found three books I thought looked interesting.

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
Bill Bryson is always an easy read (if you don't mind his occasionally near-the-knuckle style), and it will give me an opportunity to get back into the science reading I planned for myself at the beginning of the year.

Death of a Red Heroine by Qiu Xiaolong
A mystery set in Shanghai. Chief Inspector Chen investigates the murder of a prominent Communist party member. According to the blurb it "blends history, plenty of poetry and a compelling mystery".

Narrow Dog to Carcassonne
by Terry Darlington
A humorous account of how a man, his wife and their dog sailed a narrow boat from England to the Mediterranean. This had the appeal of the familiar - I have both sailed a narrow boat and visited Carcassonne, so the title attracted me.

I'll report back when I've read them.

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