Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Little Cherub has made a discovery

She likes carousels! Tevye is taking some time off work this week to do fun stuff together as a family. Yesterday we went to Wicksteed Park in Kettering - an amusement park dating back to before theme parks were invented and still boasting an eighty year old "patent water chute". Just before we left we decided to ride on the carousel, a traditional one with horses, ostriches (why ostriches?) and a couple of carriages where you can sit with babes in arms and toddlers. After spending most of the afternoon dozing contentedly in her sling, Little Cherub woke up just as Tevye took her onto the carousel. She was mesmerised! Her little head swivelled in every direction, eyes full of wonderment as she took in the kaleidoscope of colours, lights and large gilded animals. Angel, Star ("I want to ride on a giant chicken!") and I were perched on ostriches immediately behind and had a grandstand view of Little Cherub's reaction. She made a couple of slightly alarmed squeaks and flaps, before deciding that it was fun and definitely not something to worry about. She relaxed, lay back in Tevye's arms with a series of beaming smiles and simply enjoyed herself. It was the highlight of our day!


  1. Anonymous3:42 am

    Oh how sweet! The carousel is my favorite ride. Your little cherub will be sitting up on a horse (ostrich?) next summer...isn't that neat to think about?

  2. Anonymous3:22 pm

    So much fun with your little cherub!
