Saturday, June 03, 2006

Anyone for chocolate truffles?

Angel and G had an urge to bake yesterday and decided on chocolate truffles. Unfortunately the only things they could find to put them in were muffin cases, which were a little on the large side. Even more unfortunately G dropped the cocoa powder tin.

They did a good job of cleaning up after themselves ... but Angel went in search of the hoover without noticing that she had stepped in the cocoa powder.
What did I say about it being their younger siblings who were prone to mess making?


  1. These foods contain vitamins and nutrients essential to a healthy diet. Without them you aren't likely to lose anything. Just Keto

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  4. And a weight loss program that includes Keto Mode exercise does require a commitment and will take time out of your schedule to devote to your weight loss program.

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  7. Make sure your diet promotes Slimlinic Keto long-term change on your behavior and lifestyle. Avoid fad diets and plans that are not backed by scientific research, those that promise fast weight loss,

  8. This sort of beauty isn't even skin deep but there must be something more to it than meets the eye. Lip Liner Tips

  9. So, as a precaution, always consult your doctor before taking any supplement, either herbal or chemical based, especially if you're pregnant, lactating, with history of hypertension, diabetes and other health problems that requires medication. Children or adolescents should not take these supplements for these could halt growth and development of tissues, internal organs and muscle. Side effects may not manifest today but can accumulate in the body and come out in the future. Supplements may boost your quick weight loss program but could be damaging to your health. The natural ways to lose weight, eating a balanced diet and exercising at least three to five times a week, are still recommended by most experts.

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  10. There are literally hundreds of anti-wrinkle eye creams on the market today; however, the best way to determine the best eye cream for you is through trial and error. When you locate the eye cream, which gives you the best results, with a pleasing scent and a wallet friendly price, you should continue using that particular product. Keep in mind that an expensive product does not guarantee the best results for everyone. You should ask around and find out what eye creams your friends may use and why they like it so well.

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  11. In order to find this perfect detergent, consumers need to look no further than the Dynamo 2X Ultra Laundry Detergent. Produced by the Phoenix brand, this Dynamo detergent comes in a variety of scents, the most popular of which is the Sunrise Fresh scent. Specifically designed to be both powerful and gentle, making it ideal for all types of laundry loads. From a load of delicate linens to a wash of rugged work clothes, Dynamo liquid detergent has both the finesse and strength to get the job done.

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  12. Yet, weight loss diet plan food delivery services strongly appear to keep your financial outlay at reasonable minimums. Lack of cash need stop no one from attaining the level of fitness they highly desire and truly work to achieve. Less of the bad things and more of the good remains part of a smart, highly recommended, professional health food delivery strategy. Weight loss diet planning is not about money; it's about awareness, commitment, and dedication.


  13. Is the keto diet safe for you? Most doctors and nutritionists are agreed that the keto diet is good for weight loss over the short-term. As for the long-term, more studies are needed. Do keep in mind that obesity is not an apt choice as it comes with its own risk of health problems.
    The Keto Diet has become quite a popular topic in the fitness community. It has been found to aid in the loss of weight and lowering the inflammation in the gut. New research has shown positive effects for both men and women adhering to a keto style diet.

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  14. Is it very right to say that you are amongst those numerous individuals fighting to get a slim body void of fat and to acquire a flat belly look? As indicated through some previous study, there are a high percentage of individuals who are working extremely hard to have a healthy and fit body, but they're doing it the wrong way. Losing weight in the wrong way may result in a more devastating outcome, and that is why the professional's in the weight loss niche advice against the use of wrong approach in losing weight. Natural weight loss is the best alternate approach; the weight reduction tips below are advisable.

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  15. In some cases, platinum jewelry is rhodium plated as well, but this is just to give it a refined white shiny finish. After some time this rhodium plating is rubbed away, but what remains is a beautiful natural white-gray patina of the natural platinum metal. Continued rhodium plating is NOT necessary.
    In the end, if you are debating on whether to buy white gold vs. platinum it simply boils down to personal taste and ultimately cost considerations. If you are taking the time and putting forth the effort to purchase a quality diamond for your engagement ring, then it just makes sense to spend the extra cash on a durable, long-lasting, strong metal to hold your precious diamond in.

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  16. Just as you do in an overgrown garden, snip away every unnecessary branches, i.e. keep your site neat and clutter-free. You would not want navigators to your homepage to get tangled in heavy overgrowth. Remember, good web design is conscious of the upload time of each web page - if one page takes too long to load, chances are your visitors will go away. Therefore, go light on splash screens - which are data-heavy 'welcome' images that your visitors stumble upon when they enter your site.

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  17. There they are. What do you think? A little anti-climatic, huh? Maybe you were expecting more... Well, let me tell you if you are able to grasp and implement this powerfully safe and effective weight loss plan is you will never again have to spend another unnecessary dime on weight loss products that don't work.
    You see, your body is a fine tuned weight loss management machine. If you follow the right plan and give your body only what it needs to survive it will do all the hard work for you.

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  18. Do you want enhanced pleasure and far more intensified sexual encounters? That's one of the top reasons why more couples are swearing by a natural male enhancer product or pill in the bedroom. What if one little pill could make sex so amazing that you'd swear it was nearly like the first time again for you both? That's why some men use natural male enhancers which enable them to enjoy better sex every single time they hit the sack with their girl.


  19. You see, your body is a fine tuned weight loss management machine. If you follow the right plan and give your body only what it needs to survive it will do all the hard work for you.
    Given enough time and following the 3 steps above you can lose tens and even hundreds of pounds without starving yourself or resorting to bogus weight loss pills or dangerous body sculpting surgeries.

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  20. Focus all of your energy on what you should be eating - not what you shouldn't be eating. It won't be perfect at first, but each week aim for a bit more improvement. You will find as you eating becomes more regular and your body is been given what it needs to stay healthy the cravings will lessen and eventually disappear.

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  21. Basically, a weight loss spa is a center that offers weight loss programs such as weight loss management. The main goal of attending a weight loss spa vacation is to achieve a healthy weight and lifestyle.

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  22. It is very easy to ruin your manicure if your application of the topcoat allows bubbles to form. FairyMines

  23. A definitive tip to inevitable achievement: standard exercise and an adjusted eating regimen. Add one cheat day to your eating routine to free yourself of yearnings.
    Eat a sound eating regimen loaded with bunches of vegetables, organic products, and entire grain items.
    Fasting: While fasting has significant influence in a few eating regimens, it is for the most part not prescribed for safe weight reduction.

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  24. If you are one of those people having any kind of joint pain, instead of trying a variety of harmful anti inflammatory medicine you can try a more natural way. As food is the major cause of the problem, it is a matter of finding a way in which you just need to eat the food wisely. What that means is, to free yourself of pain you just need to avoid those foods that cause them. To help you further in this, here is a list of some of the foods that can cause joint pain.

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  26. I cherish everything from the lovable doggies that make me laugh to the snuggly blanket that warms me through the cool nights, to the incredible career opportunities afforded me by internet video production. Family of Thakurganj full movie download

  27. This 24/7 approach by Phen24 makes the process of losing weight much faster because the body continues to shed weight even while you are sleeping.
    Phen24 presents a very novel idea to weight loss compared to the approach adopted by majority of other weight loss supplements which are intended for use only during the day.

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  28. realize much weight loss on the weighing scale. This is due to increased muscles! Take my word for it: cardio and weight exercise in combination with the Acai Berry supplement is a guarantee for rapid weight loss!

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  29. optimal health and prevention of fatty degeneration." Osburn concludes that "plants have created the perfect container to safely store the EFAs and protect them from light and oxygen damage. It is the seed. And as long as we get our essential fatty acids by eating whole seeds, the life force within us is charged with vitality. Hemp seeds contain the perfect balance of

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  30. You can either choose your categories before hand, perhaps with the help of a cookbook, or choose them as you begin to sort. Trendy Mumi

  31. somewhere. Yes, you definitely get more obese in the long term if you skip breakfast, then eat normal amounts of food for lunch and dinner afterward. A person who skips breakfast puts their body in starvation mode so that any excess food that you eat later in the day instantly becomes fat as the body scrambles to keep any sugar available in the body after being told it's starving when breakfast is skipped.

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  32. made meals, are of the diet A variety covered above. They're easy to follow but destined for failure, long term. They all fail the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test, unless you really think you can eat cookies and shakes for the rest of your life...Bottom line here is, if

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  33. Notice that one part of your mind is leading you through the different levels of consciousness with complete confidence. If you are ready to come out of your trance, this part of your mind will lead you to the surface in an instant. If you intend to stay here longer, and implement more changes, it will keep you floating on, drifting peacefully through your subconscious,

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  34. The unpredictability of water retention is one reason why I only weigh myself once per week, on the same day, in the morning, naked. Weighing yourself multiple times per week, or worse, per day, will quickly kill your confidence and mess with your head.

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  35. being human means we have social pressures and expectations. At this point in history we are told that a lean, toned physique is sexy, attractive and desirable. I believe that this is the reason most people seek weight loss programs, not because of a true desire to be lean, but

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  36. For people who are beefy beyond belief, surgery to sidestep parts of the stomach and small digestive tract may on occasion be the main compelling method for delivering maintained and critical weight reduction.

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  37. On the other hand, when you give your body more energy (calories) than it needs, leptin levels are boosted, which can then have positive effects on fat oxidation, thyroid activity, mood, and even testosterone levels.

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  38. What do you really want from your physical body? My online fitness coaching clients hear this from me all the time. At first it may seem like a pretty silly question, but it's not. I've learned that the vast majority of people seeking weight loss really aren't really that interested in

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  39. they deem appropriate. I'm not pointing fingers here, that's what I'd like to do too. However, being human means we have social pressures and expectations. At this point in history we

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  40. have positive effects on sperm unless they are solely intended for male fertility improvement. A sub category of the semen volume pills are supplements that only focus on enhancing male fertility by affecting the quality and quantity of sperm.

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  41. longer. A good quality product should give you results within one month of beginning intake. What you should first begin to see is a much firmer erection, more staying power, more pleasure during sex, and a minor to moderate increase in size.

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  42. Start you healthy weight loss and quick weight loss workouts slowly. That means that you should work yourself up to doing advanced workouts. My working out started with cardiovascular activity, and body training. I would suggest that you do the same. Body training will consist of using your own body weight to train your muscles. This means that you do

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  43. prevailing ultimate view is that the male enhancement pills simply don't work - and that the people selling them are scammers who are only out to fleece people off their hard earned money.


  44. uploaded in these online social media sites has gained significant credence and influence. As a result, monitoring social media for criticism and complaints is now crucial to protect corporate and brand reputation - and to better understand what consumers think about the organization, its brands, and its customer service.

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  45. they can be bought online for a fraction of the price of drugs and they offer much more benefits.
    It is a well known fact that most men are not satisfied with their penises or sexual performance. There could be many reasons for this, starting from the size of the penis even to the inability to get or maintain a solid and powerful erection.

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  46. Another factor to consider when choosing a program is to make sure that expectations are clear - right from the beginning. When inquiring about any commercial weight loss program, be sure you are provided with a detailed statement of fees and costs of additional items such as dietary supplements or foods. How often will you meet with a personal trainer? Will you

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  47. You are overweight. You have attempted to lose excess weight in the past. Most likely, you've tried many times to do this, maybe even being successful at losing weight... for awhile. Probably, what happened was that any weight you lost has gradually come back, and even more weight has come back with it.

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  48. Why did your routine suddenly stop working, and what can you do to push through this weight loss plateau?
    Understanding Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss

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  49. Counsel your specialist, for any well-being issue and before utilizing any supplements, rolling out dietary improvements, or before rolling out any improvements in endorsed meds.
    A great part of the early Weight loss on a low calorie eat less speaks to loss of muscle tissue instead of loss of fat.

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  50. product, always remember to review the ingredients and dosages carefully. Different products and supplements work differently on different individuals so your results may vary from others. Of course, overall good health is important to good healthy sexual living. Review your current health and medications with your doctor, eat right and get plenty

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  51. If you have support from others, especially your family, your plan will work wonders. When you adjust your diet your families' diet will probably be adjusted too.
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  52. Remotivation therapy is defined by the National Remotivation Therapy Org. Inc. (N.R.T.O.) as "Remotivation is a small group therapeutic modality innature, desinge to help clients by promoting self-esteem, awareness and socialization." ( Those who


  53. increasing semen volume. Semen volume pills are usually responsible for the "cumshot" scenes found in adult movies. Many volume pills also enhance pleasure, increase libido and

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  55. increasing androgenic effects and dramatically increasing testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases sexual arousal and motivation and frequency of sexual activity. This supplement supports a long term overall healthy sexual drive and function in men and enhances the rigidity of erections.

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  56. Therefore, since fat contains only about 10-40% water, when the body moves into the fat burning phase of a weight loss program, the bathroom scale tends to be much slower than when glycogen was being burnt for energy at the beginning of the diet.

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  57. In Western Germany in the 16th century, evergreen trees were used in plays to represent the tree in the garden Eden with Adam and Eve and they were decorated with apples. (Actually an apple is never mentioned in the Bible as the forbidden fruit from the Graden of Eden, but that's the tradition.) Anyway, they were called "Paradeisbaum" (Paradise Trees) and were soon

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  58. away all excuses for a newly motivated weight loss participant and that's what it does. By providing exact diets and exercise instructions the Body Fat Meltdown program ensures

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  59. eating back to "your" way of eating after you reach your target weight is a recipe for disaster and the cause of the well established yo-yo dieting syndrome. Bottom line: there are no short cuts, there is no free lunch, and only a commitment to a lifestyle change is going to

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  60. I know that each of these groups of people have their own unique set of needs and desires when it comes to physical fitness and weight loss. Therefore, I developed the Body Fat Meltdown program specifically for newly motivated women wanting to lose weight without

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  61. If you can fill half your plate at every meal with high fiber and nutrient packed vegetables you are well on your way to significant and long lasting weight loss. This is probably one of the simplest things you can do to really kickstart your weight loss journey.

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  62. allows them to stimulate the brain and body chemistry to bring the natural sexual arousal and attraction factors back to a higher than normal level! Many of these male enhancer pills act fast in relieving Erectile Dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male impotence.They are
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  63. Penis enhancement exercises, (also known as jelqing) is an excellent example of the best male enhancer as all that is required are your hands and a little lubricant. This exercise technique should help you increase penis girth and length and what also makes it convenient is that it can be done at any time or place (privately that is). This method is ideal for men who

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  64. These mainstream medications are not designed to improve fertility, increase desire, semen volume or penis size. While Viagra and Cialis receive the most exposure due to the large advertising budgets of their manufactures there are also many other male supplement pills available on the internet. The male sexual enhancers available on the internet generally fall

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  65. opioids, and in some communities, pain killer addiction has bypassed the number of cocaine or marijuana addictions. Studies also have indicated that there are about half a million new individuals who end up with pain killer addictions yearly.

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  66. The next step of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is to move your fitness tuning efforts into the gym. Once you are able to pump out your body training exercises like a professional, then you are ready for weight and resistance training. Depending upon your body type and desire for body type, the method of gym training for your healthy weight loss and

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  67. The three main categories of male enhancement pills (supplements) on the internet are semen volume enhancement pills, penis enlargement pills and pills targeted to increase libido. Most of these products share several common traits including: made from natural ingredients, available without a prescription, improve sexual desire and require regular use
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  68. interfere with the body's use of most nutrients. If soil can grow crops, the food produced is nutritious. When soil lacks minerals, plants don't grow properly and may not produce their potential yield. Growing area does affect a food's iodine and selenium contents.Renegade Keto

  69. weight loss programs, not because of a true desire to be lean, but an intense desire to be wanted, to be sexy, to be considered attractive and to feel good about their body when surrounded by people who's opinions they consider important.

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  71. longer. A good quality product should give you results within one month of beginning intake. What you should first begin to see is a much firmer erection, more staying power, more pleasure during sex, and a minor to moderate increase in size.

  72. Some men nowadays can't seem to be satisfied with the size of their penises. Probably, even the ones who have a pretty good size want to have more. It's a personal instinct in my opinion that men have the reason to feel that they are inadequate when they have a smaller tool. Up to now, men are still perceived to take more responsibility and stay tough. Most men
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  73. Another factor to consider when choosing a program is to make sure that expectations are clear - right from the beginning. When inquiring about any commercial weight loss program, be sure you are provided with a detailed statement of fees and costs of additional items such as dietary supplements or foods. How often will you meet with a personal trainer? Will you be doing personal training 2 days a week? 3 days a week?

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  74. Now, I know what you might be thinking. You may still be traumatized by your mother not letting you get up from the dinner table until you finished all your broccoli but let me tell you, your mother was right.
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