Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Unpacking my hospital bag

Did I mention I have a tidy husband? Very tidy. Every now and again he takes it to a level that surprises me even after nearly fourteen years of marriage. Yesterday I started packing my hospital bag, just in case Little Cherub decides to make an early arrival (I tend to run on the slightly early side with babies - slightly late with everything else!). I packed a bag for Cherub and put a couple of items into a small suitcase, then got distracted and left it on the bed in what will be the nursery. In the evening Tevye informed me he had tidied up the nursery. Yes. That's right. He had unpacked my hospital bag!


  1. Maybe Tevye and my dh are related? Dh clears up my coffee cup if I leave it for more than 5 minutes (he comes by it honestly, his mom cleans it up if I leave it for more than a minute!). He claims it's becuase he's basically lazy and he's learned that if he's super neat and puts everything away properly, than he doesn't have to spend time looking for it.....

    As they say in the States, I "feel your pain" Kathryn!

  2. And I yours, Mary! One of my favourites was the time I boiled the kettle and went back to make a cup of tea five minutes later only to find he had "tidied" (emptied out) the kettle.
