Sunday, May 07, 2006


If you ever wonder how it is possible to make your homeschooling day run smoothly, particularly in those times when life doesn't, then this blog entry from Here in the Bonny Glen is a must read: Nuts, Bolts, and Pegs. In fact, I recommend you read it, re-read it, inwardly digest it, and print it out for future reference.

Like Lissa, I learned about "pegs" from Leonie of Living Without School, and for years aspects of our day hung from various pegs. Angel practiced piano after breakfast, we listened to music while we ate a mid-morning snack, I read aloud to Angel while Star napped, and so on. As Star has grown our typical day has changed, and while it usually follows a routine, our pegged activities have fallen by the wayside. As the routine has disintegrated under pressure of morning sickness, illness and pregnancy inertia, we have been left with a vacuum. I am now inspired. Over the next week I shall be looking at our days, identifying good pegs and hanging activities on them. If one single thing will make our family life and learning run more smoothly after Little Cherub's arrival, getting our pegs up and running again is it.

Thank you, Lissa, for such a timely reminder.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post Kathryn -- and thanks for the link to Lissa's. I'm printing it to peruse more carefully after the littles have gone to bed!
