Friday, May 19, 2006

Monthly Medley

With what is probably ridiculous timing given Little Cherub's imminent arrival, I have started a new blog. As part of our normal homeschooling routine (in the days before it fell to pieces!) we cover a wide variety of different subjects, but tend to add in extras that focus in on one of the topics we are studying. Each month Bookworm's Monthly Medley will give suggestions and reviews of resources for a "topic of the month". My rationale is that it will overcome Blogger's lack of ability to categorise posts by allowing me to keep individual topics together and build them into an easily accessible archive. At least, that is the theory!

I have started posting reviews for the first monthly topic, which is ... CHINA.


  1. Kathryn,

    This is an awesome resource you're providing all of us blog readers! Thanks so much and hope that baby is doing just fine....


  2. I am so anxious to see that little cherub. How is the blanket coming along?

  3. The blanket is done :). I will post a picture when my new computer arrives next week :)). This one is too slow to cope with my photo editing program.

  4. What a good idea! I get frustrated, too, with Blogger's lack of categorizing, but I hate to switch blogging services at this point ....
