Saturday, April 22, 2006

Would-be scientists

Both girls have decided that their favourite subject is science - preferably science involving chemicals (potions, as Star calls them) and flames. I think a few explosions would go down well too, but I'm not prepared to go there! So next year I'm planning to focus more heavily on science, with lots of hands on stuff. After discussion with the would-be scientists, this is the plan I have ended up with ...

Angel wants to do chemistry, so I have invested in the largest chemistry set I could find. It claims to include 700 different experiments, which should keep her going for some time. I also bought a science textbook, So You Really Want to Learn Science 2, to use as a reference. It is divided into biology, chemistry and physics sections and should last us at least two years.

Star has been admiring the chemistry set hopefully, but as I'm not prepared to let a just turned eight year old loose with assorted toxic, flammable and corrosive chemicals in a set meant for twelve year olds hopeful is as far as it goes. As an alternative way of meeting the desire for potions, she is getting a Slime Technology set, which translates into educational terms as polymer science. She is also going to learn about electricity and electronics with this Brainbox electronics set. For a child whose learning style is "inventor" (more about that later) this should be right up her alley. It also includes some worksheets for those days when I feel she should be writing something down!

To round out the chemistry study I'm thinking of adding in the Chemistry text from Real Science 4 Kids for both girls to use. Along side this we are also going to do some science history. I'm going to read Inventing the Future by John and Mary Gribbin to them both, and add in experiments from this Spotlight on Science Famous Experiments kit.

I think that lot should keep us going nicely!

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