Sunday, March 26, 2006

Proud mamma!

Yesterday Angel played in her first brass band concert, making me a very proud mamma! Star and I went to listen; Tevye was disappointed to miss it, but even though he is recovering at a tremendous rate that would have been seriously overdoing things. As Angel is a good head shorter than anyone else in the band we couldn't see her in the first half, but changed seats so we could smile encouragingly for the second. Not that she looked as though she needed encouragement - she had a beaming smile on her face all evening.

The more experience we have of the band the more I like it. They could not be more encouraging of the younger members. Also it is one of the rare fields which allow adults and children to take part together. They even have whole families. One of the band leaders plays alongside his wife and two adult sons, and Angel thinks he also has a grandson in the junior section; the conductor's teenage son plays trombone with the band; and the age range in the "senior" band ranges from eleven to seventy or so. I also like the selection of music, which ranges from the gently popular, through theme tunes and folk music to classical. The highlight of last night's concert won on sheer fun - the theme tune from The Addams Family, complete with duck quacking effects from the percussionist and one of the tenor horn players being "shot" by the conductor!

I think playing in what is primarily an adult band at just turned eleven is quite an achievement. Well done Angel :).

Maternal boast over!

1 comment:

  1. Boast away! Congratulations to Angel on her first performance!
