Thursday, February 09, 2006

Little Cherub

Little Cherub at 21 weeks :). Not the best scan picture ever, but at least you can see there is a baby there. And according to the sonographer everything is in the right place and looking as it should. The only downside is that Little Cherub is ... well ... little! Chugging along at the bottom of the growth charts, though not at this stage alarmingly so. I am to go back for another scan at 28 weeks to check whether he or she is growing at the right rate. That also means we get another chance to find out if the baby is a He-Cherub or a She-Cherub (is that a theological impossibility?), as he / she was very modest and determinedly keeping his / her legs shut and knees up. I warned Little Cherub that if "he" was a boy he had better let us know, or "he" would end up with an very girly, mauve nursery - the baby will be having Star's old room, redecorated when she was in her purple phase. Even that threat had no effect. Maybe "he" is a "she" and likes the idea of mauve? Not that he or she will be sleeping in there for a while, so there would be time to redecorate later, but it is the principle of the thing! There is something special about preparing a space ready for a new little person.

Tevye and I had a long talk about what we can do to ensure that Little Cherub gets the best possible chance to grow into a nice big Chubby Cherub, and decided the time had come to accept that at 45 and struggling with an asthmatic cough and breathlessness my body simply isn't coping with pregnancy the way it did in my 30s and needs more rest. That perhaps the way to deal with exhaustion isn't simple to battle on doggedly, but to accept that my body is giving me a message I should be listening to! I'm now under instructions to spend an hour or two after lunch lying down in my room in peace and quiet, either reading or sleeping. Angel and Star are under instructions to ensure that I get the peace and quiet, on pain of some unspecified fate worse than death. He is also planning to send me over to my mother for occasional weekends of complete rest and relaxation while he holds the fort here with the girls. She only lives 30 minutes away, so it is a practicable option. And tomorrow we leave for a long weekend in our all time favourite hotel, which should get the new rest and relax regime off to a good start.


  1. Anonymous1:58 pm

    I agree with Michele, looks like a boy to me. And rest easy, boys like pink and mauve, at least until they are 6 or so....


  2. Anonymous4:38 pm

    I had two babies that were very "modest" and wouldn't reveal anything...those were the only two pregnancies that were a girl and one a boy. ; )

    The girl I had repeated sonograms due to bleeding and low placenta problems. We never could tell what she was till the end.

    Good luck!

  3. What a wonderful sonogram -- I can actually see the baby (I never could with any of mine!).

    R&R will do you and LC a world of good. Dont forget to eat well and don't worry overly much about gestational weight gain -- it's more important to give the little angel some yummy nutrients!

    Blessings to you and your whole family -- we'll keep you in our prayers.

  4. Oh, what a sweet picture! I am also in agreement with the others and your dh! Lots of rest and lots of good nutrients; good quality protein and lots of fresh fruits and veggies! Thanks for sharing!
    God bless,

  5. What a great picture! So exciting.

    Yes, ditto to all the other comments ... you all have to work together right now to take care of Little Cherub and Mom.
