Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year Resolutions

As always, I'm making a number of resolutions for the new year; as always, one or two (at best!) will stick and the others will fall by the wayside. I work on the theory that it is better to aim high and miss, than not to aim at all. I'm hoping that if I post them publicly here it will help to keep me accountable, so here goes:

Commit to saying morning and evening prayer from the Divine Office daily. I used to do this, but over the last few years it has slipped from regular, to spasmodic, to almost never.

Fit regular one-on-one time with both girls into our normal routine - time to read aloud at their own level and just to chat. Make a monthly night out with Tevye a priority (we can do this, but are lazy about making the effort to arrange it).

Aim for an aqua-aerobics class and two trips to the gym each week. Getting into a regular fitness routine was one of the resolutions (the only resolution?) I stuck to last year, and I'm determined to get back to it now my energy levels are improving.

I have decided that this year I'm going to improve my scientific knowledge, so I'll commit to reading at least one "living" science book each month. And for faith formation I'll add one piece of spiritual reading monthly. And I'll post reviews here.

Set aside some time each week for scrapbooking, even if it is only an hour. If I get much further behind I'll never manage to fit in a new baby scrapbook!

Need to get off to a good start by saying morning prayer before morning turns into afternoon. Note to self: more likely to be successful on this one if morning prayer is said before turning on the computer.


  1. great list! You are motivating me.

    One thing I would like to get back to is our habit of reading and discussing the upcoming Sunday scripture on Thursdays. It was such a nice ritual and helped us prepare nicely for Mass.


  2. Anonymous5:31 pm

    To post your resolutions is very dangerous and brave! I'm rooting for you. As for me....I'm not telling.

